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R-an-K Enterprises

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Ronald C. Thompson is an author of science fiction novels, science books and science based home study guides. Short summaries of his work are posted on his web page.

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TxTiles has entered into an agreement with R-an-K Enterprises to offer their newest product. They have developed a number of items based on a modified Texas shape. This modified shape is unique as it will allow Texas shaped items, such as tiles and stepping stones to form a continous surface when put together-they interlock. TxTiles have also put their work into novelity items such as an igsaw puzzles. Check back for further developments.

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Linda Sioux Henley, a renowned local western artist, has kindly allowed R-an-K Enterprises to reference her works. Please check her works out you'll find many items that are particularly suitable to being displayed either in your home or business. You may even find something that will make your seasonal buying easier.
Ronald C. Thompson's Blog
Technical Writing and Editing
Ronald C. Thompson has expanded his work with us and is taking on Technical Writing and Editing work. He has a great deal of writing experience in various aspects of Engineering, Science, and Math as well as Evironmental Engineering and Report preparation.